CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil

CBD oil and hemp seed oil have a lot in common. They both come from the hemp plant, have similar color and consistencies, and show significant promise in the wellness and beauty communities. ⁠

Although these two oils share many characteristics, misleading labelling practices is a frequent problem that can leave consumers overpaying for products they don’t want. ⁠

As an advocate for the regular use of CBD, I want to make sure that if people choose to purchase CBD oil, they are getting exactly what they are looking for. An increase in the popularity of hemp and cannabis products has created a premium on the cost of CBD products. Some companies will add cannabis or hemp plants on their labels to infer the presence of CBD in their product when there is none. Other tactics include using the words “cannabis-derived” or “hemp-derived” on hemp seed oil with the goal of suggesting the presence of THC or CBD. ⁠

Many of these marketing strategies are not permitted by the FDA, or they fall into a gray area that makes fines harder to administer. This means that the responsibility falls to the consumers to practice their own due diligence. Read the ingredient label!⁠

An easy way to ensure you know what you are purchasing is to look at the amount of CBD listed on your product. Although this is not required by the FDA, it is commonly done by well-established and reliable CBD brands. If there is no CBD amount listed, understand that you may be purchasing hemp seed oil with trace amounts of CBD or none at all. So, yes, no wonder you don’t feel any benefits of this miracle plant!⁠


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